Category: Packing & moving
Once you sign the contract on a new home, it’s time to take action. Call the movers, declutter your belongings, measure the furniture. We’ll help set you up for success during this process.
How to Write a Garage Sale Ad (and Where to Post It Online)
Read more: How to Write a Garage Sale Ad (and Where to Post It Online)Staging your house to sell? Cutting the clutter before a move? Just looking for a little more breathing room in your closets? If so, a garage sale could be a Saturday morning well spent! Read on for tips on how to write a garage sale ad and where you can post it online.
Preparing for a Move: How to Declutter & Minimize
Read more: Preparing for a Move: How to Declutter & MinimizePreparing to move to your dream home? Start fresh and don’t bring any current clutter with you! Paring down your possessions to only the items that “spark joy” sets you on the path to a more stress-free and satisfying move. To help you get started, we’ve listed a few decluttering tips, leaning toward the minimalist…
How to Choose a Moving Company
Read more: How to Choose a Moving CompanyYou wouldn’t buy a new home without first exploring your options. Choosing a moving company should be no different! Get quick tips for how to choose a moving company that suits your needs and will ease the stress of packing and moving. Read more.
A Moving Checklist for Your Kids
Read more: A Moving Checklist for Your KidsMake moving a stress-free experience for you and a fun one for your kids! Involve them in the process with our 6-week moving checklist for kids 10 and under.
Checklist for Moving Out of State with Kids
Read more: Checklist for Moving Out of State with KidsMoving to a new home in a new state can be an emotional experience for anyone, but it can be especially challenging for children who may feel as though they have little say in the decision to pick up stakes. This checklist for moving out of state with kids was designed to help you better…
Where to Donate Household Items
Read more: Where to Donate Household ItemsKeep household items out of the landfill and in the hands of people who need them. We’ve rounded up a few organizations that would love to take your clutter and put it to good use in your community. You may even find some that offer to pick up your donations for free, saving you the…
How to Make a House a Home
Read more: How to Make a House a HomeFinding your dream home is exciting but settling into it and building memories there is the real reward. From pre-Moving-Day prep to housewarming tips (when you can’t host a house party), here are some ways you can start to make a house a home.
Top 10 Cutest “We’ve Moved!” Announcements
Read more: Top 10 Cutest “We’ve Moved!” AnnouncementsWant to spread the word that you’ve moved into your dream home? We’ve rounded up nine adorable moving announcements—and created a free printable one of our own—so you can share your new address with friends and family in style!
Preparing Your Teen for a Move
Read more: Preparing Your Teen for a MoveYou’re counting down the days until your upcoming move, but your teenager doesn’t share your enthusiasm. First, take comfort in the fact that their reaction is perfectly normal. Such transition can be difficult, especially for teens who are already undergoing physical, intellectual and personality changes and may feel powerless over the situation and afraid of…
27 Moving Day Essentials
Read more: 27 Moving Day EssentialsAKA: 27 Things You’ll Need Before You Get Around to Unpacking ThemSet yourself up for success on Moving Day with these must-haves! Unpacking (& Repacking) Supplies You’re in the home stretch, but your days of dealing with cardboard and packing peanuts aren’t quite over. Make sure you have the tools to efficiently unpack and dispose…
Senior Moving Tips
Read more: Senior Moving TipsSeniors remain an influential part of the real estate market, purchasing everything from standard single-family homes to larger multi-generational options that can accommodate additional family members. As a senior, your considerations for how to handle a move will likely differ somewhat from younger buyers. Check out these tips to help make your move as smooth…