Benefits of Buying a Quick Move-in Home

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If you’re a first-time homebuyer or your previous home purchases were resale homes, you may not understand the timelines involved with purchasing a brand new home. No worries! We’re here to give you the scoop on what to expect and answer the frequently asked question: What is a quick move-in home?

How quick move-in homes work

As builders, we often start building homes at a new community, even before anyone has purchased there. Sometimes we’re building model homes so buyers can get an in-person glimpse at what their home will look like inside. Other times, we start construction on homes without a specific buyer in mind. These homes are sometimes referred to as inventory homes, spec homes or move-in ready homes, but at Richmond American, we most often call them quick move-in homes. This is because the move-in date is typically quicker for customers since we begin building before the contract is signed.

Benefits to buying a quick move-in home:

  1. A brand new home on a shorter timeline
    This benefit is the most obvious. You can buy a brand new home and skip at least part of the construction process!
  2. Less interest rate guesswork
    The sooner you close on your home, the less chance the interest rate may fluctuate before you get to the closing table. Be sure to ask about interest rate locks and special financing if rates are on the rise.
  3. Model homes for sale
    If your quick move-in home happens to be a model home, your home is complete! Your community is also likely near closeout, which may mean less construction in the area in general.

Ready to shop for your quick move-in home? Start your search!

We’ve created a handy drop-down menu to help you find quick move-in homes in your area. Simply select your region from the menu below, then start browsing! Be sure to check the estimated availability date at the bottom of each listing—homes that are already completed are labeled “Available now.”

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