* 2-1 buydown promotion is valid for buyers who sign purchase agreements on select homes with Richmond American Homes between March 10, 2025, and March 16, 2025, inclusive, and close on or before April 30, 2025, when financing is provided by HomeAmerican Mortgage Corporation (see licensing information below). The rate above is based on the application of: (1) seller-paid closing cost assistance in the amount of 2% of the loan amount applied to obtain a permanent interest rate buydown; and (2) a lender-paid 2-1 temporary interest rate buydown. These offers can be used with other national or community-level incentives, but the total promotion amounts provided for using HomeAmerican Mortgage Corporation (including this lender-paid buydown) cannot exceed loan program requirements and limitations. Interest rates are not guaranteed and are subject to change without notice. Funds are limited and are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Example is based on a sales price of $555,000 and a 30-year, fixed-rate FHA loan with a 2-1 lender-paid buydown, an interest rate of 4.875% and a 3.5% down payment. Total loan amount, including the upfront mortgage insurance premium, is $544,947, which results in monthly principal and interest payments of $2,260.94 based on a rate of 2.875% for the first 12 months, monthly principal and interest payments of $2,562.54 based on a rate of 3.875% for months 13 – 24, and monthly principal and interest payments of $2,883.90 based on a rate of 4.875% for payments 25 – 360. APR = 5.612%. Taxes, hazard insurance and monthly mortgage insurance premiums are not calculated in the above payment; actual payment will be higher. This interest rate is available to owner occupants only and is subject to availability, a qualifying debt-to-income ratio, a maximum 96.5% loan-to-value ratio, qualification using full documentation and is based upon a minimum FICO score of 680. Other loan-to-value ratios and FICO scores may be eligible but may be subject to rate and price adjustments. Loan amount cannot exceed the lesser of the county limit or $806,500. Not valid on loans already locked with HomeAmerican Mortgage Corporation.
** 2-1 buydown promotion is valid for buyers who sign purchase agreements on select homes with Richmond American Homes between March 10, 2025, and March 16, 2025, inclusive, and close on or before April 30, 2025, when financing is provided by HomeAmerican Mortgage Corporation (see licensing information below). The rate above is based on the application of: (1) seller-paid closing cost assistance in the amount of 2% of the loan amount applied to obtain a permanent interest rate buydown; and (2) a lender-paid 2-1 temporary interest rate buydown. These offers can be used with other national or community-level incentives, but the total promotion amounts provided for using HomeAmerican Mortgage Corporation (including this lender-paid buydown) cannot exceed loan program requirements and limitations. Interest rates are not guaranteed and are subject to change without notice. Funds are limited and are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Example is based on a sales price of $555,000 and a 30-year, fixed-rate conventional loan with a 2-1 lender-paid buydown, an interest rate of 5.375% and a 10% down payment. The loan amount is $499,500, which results in monthly principal and interest payments of $2,208.27 based on a rate of 3.375% for the first 12 months, monthly principal and interest payments of $2,493.93 based on a rate of 4.375% for months 13 – 24, and monthly principal and interest payments of $2,797.06 based on a rate of 5.375% for payments 25 – 360. APR = 5.508%. Taxes, hazard insurance and monthly mortgage insurance premiums are not calculated in the above payment; actual payment will be higher. This interest rate is available to owner occupants only and is subject to availability, a debt-to-income ratio of 43% or less, a maximum 90% loan-to-value ratio, a maximum loan amount of $806,500, qualification using full documentation and a minimum FICO score of 780. Other loan-to-value ratios, FICO scores, second homes and investment properties may be eligible but may be subject to rate and price adjustments. Not valid on loans already locked with HomeAmerican Mortgage Corporation.
HomeAmerican Mortgage Corporation is a residential mortgage loan company. Financing is provided by HomeAmerican Mortgage Corporation (NMLS Unique Identifier #130676; NMLS Consumer Access Website: http://www.nmlsconsumeraccess.org), 866.400.7126. HomeAmerican Mortgage Corporation's principal offices are located at 4350 S. Monaco Street, Suite 100, Denver, CO 80237. Arizona Mortgage Banker license #0009265. Oregon License #ML-5694.
©2025 Richmond American Homes; Richmond American Homes of Arizona, Inc. (a public report is available on the state real estate department’s website), Richmond American Construction, Inc. ROC #206612; Richmond American Homes of Idaho, Inc., #RCE-57923; Richmond American Homes of Oregon, Inc., CCB #218193.