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Breathe Easy with Indoor AirPlus

Breathe Easy with Indoor AirPlus

Indoor aitPLUS logo

This program was designed to help homebuilders improve indoor air quality.

To qualify for Indoor AirPlus, homes must also be ENERGY STAR®-qualified and meet strict construction requirements designed to promote healthier living environments.

Homes that meet the Indoor AirPlus criteria offer many benefits, including:

  • Improved air quality: Indoor AirPlus-qualified homes have features that reduce contaminants commonly associated with poor indoor air quality, such as carbon monoxide, moisture, mold, radon and toxic chemicals.
  • Pollutant protection: Proper sealing, caulking and screening help ensure that Indoor AirPlus-qualified homes are free of common allergens, like pest residue and mold. Homes also have special heating equipment that protects them from combustion pollutants, and all sleeping areas contain carbon monoxide alarms.
  • Enhanced comfort: Homes that meet Indoor AirPlus and ENERGY STAR® requirements are typically more comfortable, thanks to building practices that require properly sized HVACs, better installation of ducts and other equipment, improved filtration and spot- and whole-house ventilation to reduce and/or eliminate indoor impurities.
  • Better-for-you building materials: To meet Indoor AirPlus specifications, builders must choose materials with fewer chemicals (e.g., low-emitting paint, flooring and wood products).
Homes For Today / Homes for Tomorrow program logo
Homes For Today / Homes for Tomorrow program logo

Indoor AirPlus specifications require a minimum passive radon system in homes in areas designated by the EPA as having high radon potential. Richmond American takes that one step further by providing active radon control systems and performing a short-term radon test before closing in homes designated by the EPA or by the appropriate authorized state agency as having high radon potential.

Want to learn more? Call 888.910.8055 or sign up now to speak with a New Home Specialist about the Indoor AirPlus homes we're building.

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