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Lease almost up? Hit us up!

Lease almost up? Hit us up!

Get out of your renting rut and enjoy these homeowner benefits:

Pierce floor plan exterior in Southern California

1. Chance to grow equity

Woman looking and pointing at computer while over man's shoulder

2. Tax benefits

Wooden house model with hands over top protecting

3. New home limited warranty*

Find out what you can afford…

Market rates fluctuate, sometimes going above 7%. The answer to a great monthly payment? Special financing! See how low we can go…

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Man using calculator with pie charts and a computer next to him

Find out what you can afford…

What’s next? Start shopping!

Woman holding brochure for her and man standing next to her to review

What’s next? Start shopping!

We have home collections designed to put dream homes within reach for a variety of home buyers. Low maintenance living is available! Best of all? We have homes near completion, which means a faster move-in timeline.**

Browse Home Collections

Never done this before? No problem.

Check out our First-time Homebuyer Guide, with tips for getting started. Or talk to a New Home Specialist! These local experts are happy to answer your FAQs.

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Man on laptop with ear buds in doing research

Never done this before? No problem.

Need help? Ask the local experts.

Want to know more about a neighborhood? Our local experts are here to help. From schools, to shopping, to floor plan info, we've got you covered.


woman on phone

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* Warranties are subject to terms, conditions and limitations. See a Sales Associate for details on the limited warranty provided in connection with the purchase of a Richmond American Homes home.

** Closing dates are subject to change and cannot be guaranteed. Homebuyers may be limited in the structural changes, options and upgrades which can be made to homes.

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